Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dee's email to Commission and Staff...

Ever wonder what Dee McNamara really thinks. We obtained the following email Dee sent to the Commission and Lake Worth City Staff which makes it public record. You can get your own copy by submitting a to request in the records department.

Note the colorful use of language!

Wed, Aug 13, 2008 2:47 pm
"Pamela Lopez" "Armand Harnois" "Cara Jennings" "Chris Catuccy" "Dave Mulvay" "David Vespo""Jeff Clemens""Jo-Ann Golden" <"Kenneth White" "Mark Bates" "Mona Feigenbaum" "Retha Lowe""Walt Smyser""Cynthia Hammond" <"David Murphy" "Debby Cox" "Jacqueline Wildman" "Joni Taurosa" "Laura Hannah"..... (We had to shorten the list it goes on and on)

John Rinaldi falsely accuses the McNamara/McCauley lawsuit over their illegal flippable Beach contract,while misleading Lake Worth Citizens. Greater Bay vague Contract promises Lake Worth $500.000 if the contract is not sold to another party, but he does not mention our parking revenue and retail rental annual losses of minimum$665.000 to OUR City.! He mistates that we lose $500.000 because Greater Bay people are staying in his B. & B. so he has to kiss their AAAAAA......!

Supermajority misinterpretated by this carpet bagger, would have not lost our 95 year Police Dept.
Our City CRA could have helped finance our LWPD but it takes intelligence to realize this!Not crookedness!Who are these people who feel they have the right to throw 95 year protection out?Because of the 3 Commission Strongarm, Vespo,Clemens and Lowe incompetance to manage our City services which we pay the highest taxes for in the County,and their crooked voting system???

Mary Lindsay is Greater Bay's most ardent supporter, and wants them to take away our Beach for more than 23 years with their full control or flipp it's lease for a few millions and let us go to hell!What is she getting?
Rinaldi's E-mail adress has BS in it, an American expression I believe, meaning BULL SHTT!
Dee McNamara

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She and Lary combine for the single most destructive force in our community. It would do us all well to start a collection for a one way ticket move to another city and state - somewhere west of the Mississippi.