"Having beliefs isn't good? I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier. Life should be malleable and progressive; working from idea to idea permits that. Beliefs anchor you to certain points and limits growth; new ideas can't generate. Life becomes stagnant."
Lake Worth is plagued by a population divided by what they believe. The beach, illegal immigration, the utility, and crime are just a few examples. The forward progress of this city has been stifled by the a political war between groups of people acting solely on their belief paradigms. What makes the League so dangerous to these warring factions is that we are the embodiment of the "Dogma Law." We grow and change like ideas while they remain trapped in prison created by their own belief structures.
How do the political machines of Lake Worth destroy an idea?
They don't, but that doesn't mean they won't try.
The "mothership" will continue to point fingers as to who the author of this blog may be. These actions only serve to illustrate our point and serve our cause. The bridge crew loves to point the finger and make accusations based on nothing more than circumstantial evidence grounded in their overriding belief structure. Come to think of it, when have they ever let facts get in the way of their beliefs on any issue?
The "Dogma Law" explains why the following projects/issues where doomed from inception.
Reverse Osmosis - The alien forces believe that researching a topic for a week suddenly makes them experts. They created a belief that their cursory understanding of this highly techincial project is absolutle.
Utility Upgrade - Mary Lindsey's believed she knew what the better voltage was. The result of her absolute belief was nothing being done to upgrade the utility, tax payer money being wasted, and a community left the dark.
The Beach Redevelopment - This issue has been plagued by groups believing they know what's best. Resutling in stopping all progress of the project for over a decade. Currenlty two small citizen based lawsuits have stalled the project that would benefit a polpulation of 35,000.
Buying your support - Some groups simply try to buy your vote/support. We have seen how effective that approach is. For example, Ramano outspent Drautz, Goyannes out spent Jennings, and Blackman out spent Golden and they all lost their respective races.
If the community and the city had worked together and brought ideas to the table that could grow and change what a difference it could have made. Instead small groups of extremists have hijack a city. Lake Worth could be a tropical osias instead of a crime ridden slum.
The extremist on both sides of the issue seem to be missing the point of this blog. The blog is not about an individual(s) but the ideas we are trying to present to our readers. All ideas are good and we encourage you to submit your ideas as comments, satire, cartoons, etc. We are not prefect, nor do we profess to be. We simply have an idea for the future of Lake Worth that is constantly changing. We hold only one belief, which is, to only have ideas. We are striving to create a community that will flurish from a wealth of ideas, and not be destroyed by small groups and their beliefs.
We ask that all candidates and activists to check your beliefs at the door and bring your ideas to the discussion and lets get to work making Lake Worth great!
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