Former Mayor Ron Exline claims:
"I was backing up from the parking space I was in so I could get close enough to get the license number when a car came at me."
After reviewing the video this was a clear lie. We have three screen shots from the YouTube video that shows the car was moving forward, not backing out of the Parking Space! We are not accident investigators, but we used common sense to see what really happened.
Photo 1:
This image clearly shows the COP leaving the parking space while the teens were already starting to pass its location NOT heading at Mr. Exline!

You can clearly make out the headlights. THIS IS NOT A CAR BACKING OUT!

The COP car impacts the rear of the vehicle. It appears to us, from watching the video, that he left the Parking Space as the teens approached him. The teens continued forward and Mr. Exline hit them!

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