"It is an easy thing to believe because we wish nothing more than to be far removed from our waste, but it is not true. A toxic stew of ammonia, fecal coliform, and volatile organic chemicals is rising to meet our drinking water through the very underground injection control wells put in place to rid us of the waste."
(source: http://florida.sierraclub.org/Miami/cons_deepwell.htm)
"The health of Carysfort Reef off the coast of Florida has declined in the past 25 years. Corals that were healthy in 1975 are visibly sick by 1985, and dead and broken by 1995. (Photo by Phillip Dustan, College of Charleston courtesy NASA) Government officials admit these events are occurring where sewage waste injected into Florida's underground sources of drinking water is migrating into coastal waters."
(source: http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/jun2003/2003-06-11-01.asp)
So, if waste water is migrating to our reefs why won't the effluent from the RO plant? Remember, the "Mothership" opposed using Lake Worth's out fall to dispose of the effluent because it would damage our local reef system. The image above proves Deep Well Injection will do the same damage over a longer period of time. If the Alien expert wants an RO plant he will need a plan for the waste water it will generate that won't break the bank.
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