Two of our members, while looking for transmission antenna's hidden in the canopy of the Invasive "Champion Tree," were presented with an awesome site. Barack Obama's face appeared before them in the heavens. The two members, who wish to remain unnamed, scrambled to get out their cameras to document this momentous occasion and where able to capture this image.
If you look closely you can see Barack's face and the alien craft ducking for cover behind the cloud formation.
We can only assume that that our local illegal visitors are following the mainstream media in their shameless endorsement, we mean coverage, of the Democratic Nominee for President. "Mothership" media which is the extraterrestrials embodiment of Fox News style "Fair and Balanced" reporting, really threw caution to wind by projecting his image against the cloud formation. What type of original and new technologies must they posses? Lets all dig deep into our pockets so that they can transmit more propaganda, we mean information, directly to us all. This action by the "Mothership" also serves to confirm our worst fears that impartial network coverage of the last 100 days of the election is an impossibility.
I hope these are not the kinds of changes we can expect to see under a government lead by President Obama. The media is our last best defense against tyranny and oppression. We need to demand that anyone claiming to be a "Media" outlet provide information without a cooperate spin or colt doctrine. Just report the news because we are smart enough to form are own opinions.
Forget it.....(to hard for most we're sure)
Simpler plan, just stock up on all that hope Obama seems to be selling because we are sure as hell going to need it!
Scarlet(s), do you have time to check and see if the ocean levels have decreased? I just know the Obamessiah will stop global warming with a single knuckle salute. By the way after the Obamessiah has been annoited are we going to restart the calander?
I can't wait for your reply.
Scarlet(s), did you check the ocean levels? It was prophecized that the Obamessiah would heal the planet.
this same occurance happened the last time Nuesto Mundo changed the grase traps.
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