Monday, July 21, 2008

Mothership Media: Is it a PAC?

Does "Mothership Media" fit Florida's definition of a P.A.C.?

The state of Florida defines a P.A.C. (Political Action Committee) in section 106.011 as:

1. A combination of two or more individuals, or a person other than an individual, that, in an aggregate amount in excess of $500 during a single calendar year:

(Mothership Media is currently seeking donations)

b. Accepts contributions for the purpose of expressly advocating the election or defeat of a candidate or the passage or defeat of an issue;

(Mothership Media is actively trying to push the Water Issue using the slogan "Our City, Our Tax, Our Water)

c. Makes expenditures that expressly advocate the election or defeat of a candidate or the passage or defeat of an issue

(Mothership Media spends money on servers and streaming to influence readers on Water issue)

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