The press relaease of the District Four Candidate, an obvious disciple of the Cult of Obama, is full of promises of change with little to no substance. He states: "My first priority will be to work on behalf of the public to restore their confidence in the role that government..." That sounds great but how are you going accomplish that? We have heard variations on that theme by everyone running for office in this town for the past 10 years. It's also occurred to us, that with a lack of marine mammals running around the commission chamber, how is his previous life experience going to make up for his obvious lack of knowledge and experience on city issues?
We can recall in the last election the Commissioner from District 3 promised "a cop on every block" and the Mayor promised "I'm going to have my picture and phone number next to every customer service desk in the city." Both are infamous for not returning phone calls, except to close supporters. Simply ask the struggling family in District 2 that is being man handled by the Utilities department or as we like to call it "the Chamber of Horrors." Neither official has bothered to respond to this family's phone calls or for that matter anyone else on the dais. Meanwhile they remain in the dark struggling to find a way to pay the "Public" utility for needless fees.
Much like Obama this local candidate seems to be big on promises and has left little room for substance in his release. Remember, he has lived in the city less than a year, never served on a board, and joined the Kiwanis Club of Lake Worth just two weeks ago. It would seem this conservationist, liberal media's code for environmental extremist, wants to leave the sea and start making policy on land. Our advise to you "Dolphin Boy" is that you should crawl in this town before you walk or run for anything!

Note: We also want to point out the lack of a readable disclaimer on the banner and no disclaimer on the press release. He should be more careful - someone is liable to file a complaint. We're sure he'll get a pass this time.
René Varela Declares Candidacy for District 4 Lake Worth City
Commission Seat
An Exciting New Candidate Seeks Election to Lake Worth City Commission District 4
Contact: René A. Varela, (561) 585-8504
29 July 2008
LAKE WORTH, FL – René A. Varela declared his candidacy today for the District 4 seat on the
Lake Worth City Commission. Varela, a native and long-term resident of Florida, has a history in
State, regional and national politics and policy. He is challenging Commissioner Dave Vespo in
the upcoming November election.
Dr. Varela, a practicing marine mammal veterinarian and conservation biologist, working with
Ocean Embassy Inc. as the Chief Veterinarian and Scientist and in partnership with NOAA
Fisheries, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Geological Survey, and several Florida State
agencies, has developed extensive experience in federal and State policy formation. He plans to
put that experience and skilled critical thinking to work for the residents of Lake Worth.
According to Varela, "My first priority will be to work on behalf of the public to restore their
confidence in the role that government can and must play in their lives. I will also work hard to
once again place people at the center of all city decision making and help create an environment
in which our community can flourish and residents and local business owners can prosper." He
continues, “together with the citizens of this city, I will change the current pattern of unchecked
spending of our tax dollars, deterioration of essential services, and absence of critical review of
city contracts. It will take nothing short of these measures to restore the public’s trust in our
government. This is genuine change that we all can believe.”
This is Varela's first run for public office. Varela has worked on several national and regional
political campaigns, as well as on current aggressive voter registration and education efforts. He
is also an active member of several political and community services organizations locally and in
the County. His intention is to harness the honest and hard-working values that all caring Lake
Worth residents share, to move the city from what it is today, toward what it should be in the
future. As Varela states: “I intend to be Lake Worth’s Voice for Change--a positive, sorely
needed, and unifying change.”
Varela is in the process of completing his campaign team and has recently appointed Sam
Goodstein as Treasurer. He will be visiting with as many Lake Worth residents as possible. If
you wish to speak with the candidate, you can call him at (561) 585-8504, or email him at
1 comment:
Sounds as though Dolphin boy ia attempting to use Lake Worth as a spring board to bigger & better things.
His only bragging rights are his education and how he has been able to make money through goverment buracacy.
His only answer is "change".
I can hear it now " i can change into anything or anyone you want me to be".
Start out with something else before you move toward the commissioner seat.
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