Let's see, what are the planks of the Verela platform? Economic Security - something akin to $700 Billion in bail-outs - now that would make us all secure - that along with "tax fairness?" "Enact an Environmental Vision" - Wow Rene, don't walk too far out on that plank! That's downright dangerous to talk about having a "vision" and "enacting" it. We're speechless in anticipation! "Protect and Respectfully Serve all of Our Residents" - Verela: "Watch your step Mrs. Smith. Can I help you with your bullet proof vest? It looks a little tight."
Blah, blah, blah - this guy's got the platitudes and the politicianspeak down, that's for sure.

WE can see it now - City Hall opens as a free veterinary clinic - paid with your tax dollars. Classes on the lastest parasites (the cabal comes to mind), Rene and his wife dressed in white (stethoscopes around the neck), tending to the sick animals on the lawn of City Hall, Commissioner Jennings carrying the water picther in the style of Florence Nightingale, Commissioner Golden working the rosary over a beached whale (DD or JMc?). What a lovely sight!
if you are going to make fun of "Dolphin Boy" - better make sure you can spell 'veterinarian'. And Critical.
I found one of the homeless in the cultural plaza flossing his teeth with one of these door hangers.
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