Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"MotherShip" Media Spin Machine...

We would like to point out the "MotherShip" is going out of it's way to try and pin the "Day Labor Center" on Mayor Jeff Clemens. We are by no means supporters of the Mayor, but the reality is that the center was placed on the consent agenda and has been championed by current Commissioner Cara Jennings. Remember, they unofficially support Jennings.

Candidate for District 2, Mary Lindsey, has posted another long winded statement on her position on the center. (Read More) She seems to be riding "Toga Boy's" coat tales on the issue with a touch of John Jordan's wackiness for good measure. If Lindsey doesn't find away to separate her views from Jordan, learn to control her emotions, and long winded statements Jennings will win in November hands down.

Commissioner Dave Vespo released a YouTube video of his position on the issue. He and Commissioner Retha Lowe both voted against the center in the past.

We are also looking forward to the "Black Box" voting both. We wonder what the results will be? Democracy "Media" style we are sure.............

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