Minutes after she was either fired or quit, depending whom you talk to, the 53-year-old cancer survivor who spent more than half her life on local television got lawyered up."
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sauer has Gone Sour on 5.........
Minutes after she was either fired or quit, depending whom you talk to, the 53-year-old cancer survivor who spent more than half her life on local television got lawyered up."
All Eyes on Wall Street.....
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Battle Rages in Orbit above Earth....
We believe they will continue their misinformation campaign and palm card drops all over Lake Worth. We are beating them back and forcing them to use smear tactics, name calling, and lies in their campaign to control the hearts and minds of the community.
Battle Footage from Orbit!
Breaking News: Alien Horde Invades San Francisco
The League will send its fighter wing in support of our brothers on the West Coast! This new theater of battle will leave Lake Worth's AOR without air support for the next few hours. Pray for our brave pilots as they engage the evil Empire in battle!
Please send your donations so we can complete our goal of purchasing 10 Vipers before its to late!
Join the League today! Visit your local recruiting office!
This site is Pure Crap.....
"I think that the blog is pure crap. "
Your right VI! This blog is pure crap! Its Political Satire, Lampoon News, and not reality. That's what makes the heavy handed Alien response so comical. In their reality, which hardly anyone shares, we are a real place reporting real events.
No, we didn't buy a space ship, believe ghosts haunt the Casino, or believe Alien invaders are attacking our community.
We are about having fun with all the wacky political crap that goes in this crazy little town!
VI please keeping speaking the truth! We have always respected your view!
Chinese astronaut makes nation's first spacewalk
"China is also pursuing lunar exploration and may attempt to land a man on the moon in the next decade - possibly ahead of NASA's 2020 target date for returning to the moon."
Read More http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/A/AS_CHINA_SPACE?SITE=FLPAP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2008-09-27-07-26-01
Feds take files from McCarty's home
Read More from the (left-wing propaganda) Post http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/content/south/epaper/2008/09/26/0925mccartyraid.html
Another Day of Finger pointing from the "Mothership".....

Friday, September 26, 2008
Breaking News: Footage from the Front....
Join us Today!
New Weapon in Fight Against Fascism....

Thank You for the Support....

"Mothership" Continues Attacks....
What others issues have they fabricated evidence about? West Palm Water? The Utility? Sources inside city hall?
You be the judge!
Who will they turn their camera on next? Will it be you?
"Mothership" Continues Misinformation Campaign...
"It's very easy to steal signs , place them illegally, and take pictures of them,which was done with the VOTE NO signs in the last election,and now with the Varela and maybe Mulvahil signs,also . What is the point? All of the candidates work hard,and to have their signs stolen and used this way is low.Unfortunately,some sign theft has started already. It's not funny,it's theft. I hope you get caught the next time you touch a sign to stage one of your fake photos."
We can't be caught when we don't touch signs! Thousands of people have driven by that location and viewed the signs and you just lie!
Lies and more Lies!
What won't they say?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Lake Worth Fight Fascism Before its to Late....
Who is cooking in the Chefs kitchen?
You can't clean that kitchen. We copied every single word from each of his venom filled receipts and Lindsey won't walk away from her attack dog that easy!
"Mothership" Continues Attacks....
The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel is on a Quest.
Happy Diagnosing!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Capt. Sparky Uses Camera to Intimidate......

From "Mothrship" Media posted by Admin
If you questioned if he used his camera as a political weapon this latest action leaves no doubt. What this action shows is that when the "Facts," according to Capt. Sparky, fail attack private citizens. If "Capt. Sparky" is this careless with something as trivial as to who the author of this blog is then what about the big stuff? Do they fudge that kind of research as well? We would like to note only one person in the photo, Wes Blackman, is on a board. All the others are concerned residents at a city meeting.
Why let proof get in the way of a good rumor?
Apparently all the "Mothership" needs is circumstantial evidence to make a case!
"Mothership" Media is nothing more than a mouth piece for Lake Worth's most radical residents. A political tool used to further one mans ego and agenda. When anyone, including us, presents an alternate view point they use character assignation, rumors, and misinformation to confuse the public. Lake Worth's original smut peddler finally shows his true colors!
We ask you to be the judge: News Site or B.S. Machine? Are they about getting good information out or attacking anyone with a another point of view?
Sign Wars: More of the Same....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
A Rare Sight in Palm Beach....
Today, I was walking in Palm Beach (near Ocean and Royal Palm) I spotted a truly rare sight off shore. It looked to be a US Navy War ship waiting to enter Port of Palm Beach. The vessel was not underway. It held its position for the hour I spent at the beach from around 1 to 2 PM today.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Verela for City Veterinarian-at-Large

Let's see, what are the planks of the Verela platform? Economic Security - something akin to $700 Billion in bail-outs - now that would make us all secure - that along with "tax fairness?" "Enact an Environmental Vision" - Wow Rene, don't walk too far out on that plank! That's downright dangerous to talk about having a "vision" and "enacting" it. We're speechless in anticipation! "Protect and Respectfully Serve all of Our Residents" - Verela: "Watch your step Mrs. Smith. Can I help you with your bullet proof vest? It looks a little tight."
Blah, blah, blah - this guy's got the platitudes and the politicianspeak down, that's for sure.

WE can see it now - City Hall opens as a free veterinary clinic - paid with your tax dollars. Classes on the lastest parasites (the cabal comes to mind), Rene and his wife dressed in white (stethoscopes around the neck), tending to the sick animals on the lawn of City Hall, Commissioner Jennings carrying the water picther in the style of Florence Nightingale, Commissioner Golden working the rosary over a beached whale (DD or JMc?). What a lovely sight!
"Mothership" Continues Biased Reporting...
That's right 2 MILLION Dollar Savings for the city.
Capt. Sparky and his crew were wrong about the costs of the Sheriff contract! They continue to complain about city mismanagement and over spend hoping that no one will notice. Go figure it's cheaper to insure the city without a police department. Net savings of adding PBSO and dropping the LWPD around 1 Million!
We guess the PBSO contract won't bankrupt the city this year!
God only knows that this bunch of self proclaimed experts won't ever admit it. What's a "know-it-all" to do? Go silent of course. Dig your head into the sand and wait. SOP for the "Mothership!" We guess the city saving money doesn't fit their extremist PAC supported agenda!
We wonder what other issues they have missed the mark on? All those decades of media experience seem to be falling short of reality!
West Palm Water, Maybe?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Rene Varela Report.....
His Personal Investment into the Race:
The first $3,000 was a loan from Varela to his campaign. Then another 6 in-kind contributions totaling $744.23 and a check for $500.00. His personal investment into the campaign totals $4,244.23.
Out of Town Money:
Rene Varela received another $1,388.35 which is roughly 20% of the total. We note that a thousand came from one address in Port. St.Lucie, Florida.
More money and services came from Rene or outside interest than from the city of Lake Worth. Again, we find this alarming since Dr. Varela has only lived in Lake Worth for little over a year. The total is a whopping $5632.58 or 78% of the total.
Other Notables:
Rene received money from the chairman of Citizens Come First PAC, Laurence McNamara, and Treasure, Lynn Anderson, (http://citizenscomefirst.blogspot.com/) totaling $285.64. (2 in-kind and 3 checks).
A letter to the Post by an Exteremist....
The three votes against the Ethics Reform Ordinance proposed by Lake Worth City Commissioner Cara Jennings indicate the continued addictions of commissioners Retha Lowe and David Vespo and Mayor Jeff Clemens to $500 out-of-town contributions from developers and others who want to pay to play in Lake Worth.
Commissioner Lowe said she wanted to hear how the residents felt before she voted for it, yet her record indicates she votes against the expressed feelings of the residents on important issues such as giving up control of the beach.
Mayor Clemens said he would like to vote for ethics reform but worried about "politicians sitting on a dais making an ordinance to regulate contributions." Politicians are elected to make ordinances, but he apparently does not want to jeopardize his contributions.
Finally, Commissioner Vespo said this ordinance was proposed by Commissioner Jennings because she won't get business contributions and he needs to get a third lawyer's opinion before passing it. Commissioner Vespo has received countless out-of-town contributions from developers and their shell corporations and faces a reelection campaign against two challengers who are more qualified.
Commissioners Jennings and Jo-Ann Golden voted for a clean, honest government in Lake Worth; Commissioners Vespo and Lowe and Mayor Clemens showed their comfort with the pay-to-play status quo.
Lake Worth
Editor's note: Laurence McNamara is chairman of Citizens Come First, a political action committee.
Source http://www.palmbeachpost.com/opinion/content/opinion/epaper/2008/09/21/sundaywebletters.html
"Mothership" spreads rumors....
"Stafford points out that no one has filed their T-Reports on-line"
Maybe, you should read my Bio instead of spreading false information.
20-Mile Bend Protest....
"Power plants like this are basically the beating heart of a system of destruction and development," Peter "Panagioti" Tsolkas, a key organizer of both protests, told the group before they set off around 11 a.m. on a one-mile march along Southern Boulevard to the site, also the entrance to the Palm Beach Aggregates quarry."
Read More http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/content/west/epaper/2008/09/20/0920fplprotest.html
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Commissioner Dave Vespo 1st to Post...
Rene Varela makes no mention of the report on his site.
We can not find a site for Suzanne Mulvehill.
Commissioner Cara Jennings, District 2, web-site has not reported the list but states that they"will be posted to this website in a timely manner." ( http://www.carajennings.com/?page_id=37)
Mary Lindsey makes no mention of the report on her site.
We can not find a site for John Jordan.
(Note: this is subject to change as or if website get updated)
Lindsey Takes Thousands from Unions and more....
Mary Lidsey and her treasure, Colleen Rinaldi, racked up the highest total for any campaign. They reported that between June 1, and September 12, 2008 that Mary Lindsey's Campaign had received $10,849.19.
So where did the money come from? After reviewing her report we found that Mary received at least $3000 or almost 30% of the total from Labor Unions that do business with the city. No wonder she was silent during the ethics debate Tuesday night.
Fire total......................$1000
Palm Beach County FirePac and FireFighter FactPac
Fraternal Order of Police, Palm Beach County Police Benevolent Association and Palm Beach County Police Benevolent Political Committee and Issues Association
Florida Medical Committee on Political Education (They share the same address with the PMSA which is a division of the Federation of Physicians & Dentists)
We wonder if Mary will work for the best interests of the City or its Labor Unions?
Other Contributors of Note:
P&Z and CRA Board Member Donations:
Brendan Lynch $500 (CRA)
Shanon Materio $250 (CRA)
Vincent Devito $250 (P&Z)
John Paxman $200 (P&Z)
Other notable donors include:
Bruce and Maryanne Webber: 3 donations totaling $850.oo
Colleen and John Rinald: 4 donations totaling $623.97
Greg Rice: 1 Donation totaling $500.00
12 South Dixie Hwy Ste. 203 (602 Lake LLC, 702 Lucerne LLC, and 506 Lucerne LLC all share the same address): 3 Donations totaling $500.00
Adam Schlesinger (Gulfstream Hotel): 1 donation totaling $485.20
Is Lindsey going to work for you or the special interest groups?
What do Rene Varela and Mary Lindsey Share....
Friday, September 19, 2008
"Mothership" Video is a Political Weapon....
"Earth to Dave-we already have more than enough sound bites to bring you down"
This "mothership" crew member proves that media videos are nothing more than a political weapon and the site is nothing more than a sounding board for Lake Worth's extremist PACs.
We guess Brandon was on to something at the CRA meeting!
Candidates Should Have to Declare Criminal Brackgrounds...
Our 1st is past criminal activity by candidates. If any candidate has had a past felony arrest they should be forced to make the details of the arrests public as well as the verdict. (acquittal/conviction/time served)
35 years of subsidized success....
Another "Poor Me" article about John G's in today's Palm Beach Post!
We point to this line from the article:
" They don't take reservations or credit cards."
Why would you take cerdit cards? Makes hiding profits far easier. The article also points out
"John G's has lines that stretch around the corner on weekends."
If people knew how big that cash cow their tax dollars have been subsidizing for the past 35 years was they would be outraged. How much has the city lost by not charging a fair market rate for that space? Rents in our downtown are far higher and are no where near a beach front view.
Any commissioner who votes to support John G's move with tax dollars should be voted out of office. (Jeff!)
The article falls short by not pointing out that John G's has giving money to the PACs that have filled suite against the Beach and stalled the redevelopment plans. Johnny G you can't have your cake and eat it too. The bottom line it's in their financial best interest to keep things the same.
Stop special interest groups from slowing progress in this city!
Read Post (one sided article): http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/content/local_news/epaper/2008/09/18/a1a_lwcasino_0919.html
"Mothership" Releases another B.S. Poll.....
With an unbelievable 28 votes this poll is complete and total Bullshit!
"Toga Boy" Happy B-Day......
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Hidden Camera Video of Lindsey Make-Over
Regretfully, this PIG needs more than a make-over!
A New Cause for Jennings....
The Palm Beach Post is reporting:
County wants equestrian community on Mecca Farms site
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
An equestrian community of 192 homes should be built on the county-owned Mecca Farms site that leaders once envisioned as the home for the Scripps Research Institute, county commissioners agreed this morning.
Read More Visit: http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/content/local_news/epaper/2008/09/16/0916equestrian.html
Controversial DVD About Radical Islam Included In Orlando Sentinel
Over 300,000 copies of "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against The West" went out to Orlando residents as an insert in Sunday's Sentinel. Twenty-eight million copies will go out in swing states nationwide by the end of the week.
Read More: http://www.wftv.com/irresistible/17479817/detail.html
The Clarion Fund: http://clarionfund.org/
They link to Radical Islam.org: http://www.radicalislam.org/
YouTube from RadicalIslam.org
Al Qaeda blamed for U.S. Embassy attack
At some point, snipers positioned across the street from the embassy opened fire on Yemeni first responders as they arrived on the scene, the official said.
Read More: http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/meast/09/17/yemen.blast/index.html
Hypocrisy Has Hit a New High.....
Where was Mary Lindsey? The normally out spoken candidate did not speak on this issue! We are sure her 1st campaign reports will reveal that she has taken thousands in Union Dollars and PAC money something that she has criticized others for in the past. When she ran for Mayor, just last year, she criticized other candidates for doing the same. Lindsey is rarely seen in public these days without a Police or Fire Union rep in tow.
Evidence of Lindsey deep pockets can been seen downtown. She as bought ad space from street sign outdoor. These sign are NOT CHEAP. It would seem that she is having difficulty getting people to display her yard signs. Ron Exline also used these sign last year when he had issue with getting his yard signs up and wanted to increase coverage. We could only find three Lindsey signs in town. (Gulfstream Hotel, Sabal Palm Inn, and McMow Art Glass)
Mary Lindsey is a tool for the old guard business interests, for now, that are as much of an anchor on this community as Cara and her extremist!
More than likely Lindsey will pull a Clemens, if elected, and abandon her supporters for her own radical agenda.
Once again, the Ethics ordnance was a political attack! It was poorly designed and did not encompass a large enough scope. A citizen "Blue Ribbon Panel", as suggested by Com. Lowe, should be established to tackle this problem.
Read another (one sided) post article: http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/content/local_news/epaper/2008/09/16/0916lwvote.html
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Proof Positive....
Is she playing politics? You be the judge.........
Lake Worth Commissioner authors the only known pay to play ethics ordinance in Florida set for a City Commission vote; watchdog groups monitoring
Press Releases
Lake Worth FL - September 14, 2008 - Commissioner Cara Jennings has authored and introduced a new anti-pay-to-play ethics ordinance for approval by the Lake Worth City Commission. On Tuesday at 6:00PM, the Commission will vote on the only known ordinance of its kind in Florida that prohibits donations to political campaigns by individuals or corporate entities that have, or will have, projects coming before the Commission for approval. The Florida Attorney General has reviewed the ordinance without comment; the Lake Worth City Attorney confirms that it is not pre-empted by State statutes.
“Watchdog groups throughout Florida are monitoring this vote. Public corruption would be greatly lessened if governmental bodies were to enact more stringent ethical standards for both those seeking election and those already in office. The recent convictions of two PB County Commissioners and two WPB City Commissioners for criminal usage of their official positions, has prompted me to author and introduce this precedent setting anti-pay-to-play ethics ordinance ever to reach a City Commission for approval. In my opinion, it will keep the contributions from out-of-town developers and the multiple $500 contributions from their shadow corporations from having an improper, corrupting influence on the votes of those candidates whose Commission seats they have financed.”
Cara Jennings
Lake Worth City Commissioner
District 2
Anti-'Pay-to-play' law proposed for Lake Worth....
We believe that campaign reform is a priority for the city of Lake Worth but disagree with Cara using the idea as a political weapon.
Any real reform can only come from a panel of residents committed to reforming government and not from a commissioner who is up for re-election this November. Lake Worth needs to establish a panel that would make compressive changes to the election process and not a plan that favors extremist, who rely on man power and not money.
Her plan would also increase the power of PACs (Political Action Committees) within the city. Now that business would be afraid to support candidates directly they will simply give money to political groups that support their positions or candidates. This would make it far harder to track contributions to candidates. This does not solve the problem at all. It would actually make the situation worse.
We ask the other commissioners to call for a citizen task force to review the election progress and deliver its findings by March and, with luck, the city could implement them in time for the 2009 election cycle.
Read (one sided) Palm Beach Post Article: http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/content/local_news/epaper/2008/09/15/0915paytoplay.html
Gas Shortages.....

Good marketing or serious problem......Time will be the judge....
Capt. Sparky gives his "Sermon on the Mount"
Response to "What the Hell" post...
The Comment was submitted by Matt....
"New Menu is not run by a political party. It is run by me. I choose who I promote. I promote Greens in partisan races and others of my choosing in non-partisan races. If you read the bottom of the screen shot you took of my site, you will see my web site is for Green-friendly candidates, not just Green Party candidates.This is not her web site, either. It is my web site.
September 15, 2008 8:24 PM"
Matt your "Vote for Cara" Embed still needs a disclaimer on it!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Why we need PBSO....
Criminals don't only commit crimes in our city, they live among us, committing crimes all over our community and the county.
The 2007 Crime Stats show that Lake Worth is running at 30 murders per 100,000 taking second place behind Riviera Beach, which had 35 murders per 100,000. West Palm Beach for example is running at 11.8 murders per 100,000. Lake Worth also was home to the 3rd highest violent crime rate. The honors for 1st and 2nd go to Belle Glade and Riviera Beach.
Who would invest in a community with these kinds of serious problems! Don't worry! Commissioner Golden going to make sure all the kids on horses wear helmets and Commissioner Jennings got the city to pass an Anti-War Proclamation. It's great to see both these commissioners have their priorities in order.
Rome is burning and no one seems to care!
"The attempted robber was identified as Robert C. Martin, 35, of 2781 2nd Ave, North Lot 43, Lake Worth."
Read Article: http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/content/local_news/epaper/2008/09/15/0915fatalrob.html
Commissioner Cara Jennings On-line...
This site has the most spin of any of the campaign websites. Cara has the best political machine in Lake Worth by a country mile.
While in office she has done little to nothing to improve the quality of life for anyone living in her district!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Our 1st POS award goes to....
Now that the people seem to not be buying the load of steamy bull the 'MotherShip" is selling Capt. Sparky and Lt. Dutch Boy are attacking private citizens! History repeating it self we guess. L.A. ring any bells!
From Capt. Sparky:
"Ms Sharpe believing Mr Baldwin then spread the rumor to everyone she knew including commissioner Retha Lowe, commissioner Dave Vespo, the mayor and even to her friend at the Lake Worth Herald, Editor Pat Parrish"
Another Little Bit of Information....
Hi fellow Democrats--
Please come and meet Dr. Rene Varela, a Lake Worth Democratic Club member and friend, who is running for Commissioner District 4.The Meet & Greet is from 7 to 9:30 at 830 N. Golfview Road, L.W on Saturday, September 20. The invitation is attached.
This is an important election this November from the Federal level down to the local level here in Lake Worth. We all know that building the Democratic Party and getting great candidates, starts at the local level. I want you to meet Rene and learn how he will help District 4 and the City of Lake Worth.
If you need to reach Rene, please call him at 585-8504 or e-mail him at varela4LW4@gmail.comRene Varela, Our voice For Change!
Pd Pol Adv paid for byLynn Anderson, independently of Rene Varela, 2204 Lake Osborne Dr. #21, Lake Worth, FL 33461 This advertisement was not approved by Rene Varela.
Note that 830N Golfview is the Home of Jim McCauley
More Quality Reporting from Capt. Sparky....
"In fact, the emails show that staff has known about these figures for well over a month but has kept them from the public and the commission. My belief is, that they intend to get the budget approved; invest as much money as possible as quickly as possible into the county system and then if the truth comes out, it's far less likely the city will get out of the contract. Besides, the staff members that facilitated these phony comparisons on the night of April 15th probably will be long gone by the time we get the bill for their actions. For now, they are probably hoping that no one notices or studies the figures carefully (pay attention Mr Vespo)."
How can you possibly call yourself a reporter or a media oulet when you threaten candidates and officials you disagree with in your story!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
NASA is One Step Closer to the Moon....
Russian bombers in Venezuela amid tension with U.S.
NATO fighters followed the bombers on their 13-hour flight over the Arctic Ocean and the Atlantic, the defense ministry said.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Brandon Lynch a Hero....
Mr. Lynnch you should be prepared for a complete character assassination from Capt. Sparky! He must be "right" 1000% of the time. "Lt. Dutch Boy" and other disciples of Capt. Sparky will stop at nothing to defend their leader. The embattled "Mothership" is like a wounded animal who's action will only become more violent and erratic as their extremist and biased reporting is exposed.
Brandon Lynch's comments are why the commission needs to establish a media policy. Brandon showed more leadership ability last night than anyone currently on the commission. His comments demonstrated the need to set a side space in the rear of the chamber for film crews. We suggest the commissions contact the county about their media policy!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
"Mothership" Media's Black Box...
What a revelation! Lake Worth's city staff sucks.
In the discussion of the results Capt. Sparky shows, again, that he is an expect in everything. And we quote:
"The Democracy Project is one of the great experiments in American democracy"
Aren't we just full of our self. Maybe, you could make that statement if 24,000 people voted not 24! He even went as far as to use control questions. What a joke! When do you need control questions for a 24 person survey? Yes, a simple survey of site users. Come on!
We would also just love to see Ballots 1-33. (Just more of the same we guess.)
We bet we could name the 24 voters. Can you?
Com. Cara Jennings Locked Door...
Lake Worth FL - August 20, 2008 - Cara Jennings, Commissioner District 2, City of Lake Worth, announces her campaign for re-election. ...cara.pixpeep.com/ - 12k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Very weird stuff.......
What the Hell....
The complete lack of disclaimer on the "Vote for Cara" Widget
We also question the legality of having a commission candidate's website on a Political Parties website for a nonpartisan race. It seems like an endorsement......Weird!

source: http://www.newmenu.org/carajennings
Friday, September 5, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Lake Worth v. Save Our Neighborhood.....
Mark your calendars !
City of Lake Worth v. Save Our Neighborhood, Inc. (Lake Worth Zoning
Case): Has been specially set for oral argument before the 4th DCA on
September 10, 2008 at 10:45 a.m.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Lost Puppy....
Recall Clemens Site on Target.....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
"MotherShip" Media Spin Machine...
Candidate for District 2, Mary Lindsey, has posted another long winded statement on her position on the center. (Read More) She seems to be riding "Toga Boy's" coat tales on the issue with a touch of John Jordan's wackiness for good measure. If Lindsey doesn't find away to separate her views from Jordan, learn to control her emotions, and long winded statements Jennings will win in November hands down.
Commissioner Dave Vespo released a YouTube video of his position on the issue. He and Commissioner Retha Lowe both voted against the center in the past.
We are also looking forward to the "Black Box" voting both. We wonder what the results will be? Democracy "Media" style we are sure.............