Friday, October 10, 2008

Falling gas prices welcome surprise

Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Is the 401(k) crashing? Bank taken over by another bank? Can't even get a car thief to take that SUV off your hands?
Cheer up: Gas prices are dropping faster than the Dow Jones industrial average.
After peaking at $4.18 this summer, the average price for a gallon of regular in West Palm Beach had dropped to $3.54 on Thursday. In the past week alone, prices fell an average of 20 cents.
And they're still falling, in some cases by the hour.
Bob Palmer, an electrical contractor from Wellington, was ready to spread the good news.
"I can't wait to tell my friends," he said from the cab of his Ford F-150 at the Florida Gardens Sunoco in suburban Lake Worth. "It was costing me over $90 to fill up. This will cost me $75."

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