Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Soggy weather lifts South Florida out of drought

When will Lake Worth respond? One day a week watering restrictions is total B.S.!

Monday, October 13, 2008
WEST PALM BEACH — The drought is dead.
"Tropical Storm Fay put the bullet in the drought," said Geoff Shaughnessy, a meteorologist with the South Florida Water Management District. "The rains we had this weekend and since Tropical Storm Fay finished it off."
The largest boost in the current June 1-to-Oct. 31 rainy season is in western Palm Beach County, the area west of Lion Country Safari and west of Jupiter Farms in north county and all of Martin and St. Lucie counties. This weekend's 1/2-inch downpour increased the 2008 rainy season output to about 38 inches, about 9 inches above normal.
Normally, South Florida gets about 63 inches of rainfall every year. Western Palm Beach County, already at 53 inches, is ahead of the normal pace to reach that total. Eastern Palm Beach County is running about average, and so is the rest of the 16-county water management district area.
The chance for rain drops to 20 percent tonight in Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast. Afternoon showers are possible Tuesday, and the rest of the week is expected to be dry. Winds should be gusty to about 20 miles per hour and skies should be less cloudy starting Wednesday and through the week, said Evelyn Rivera, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service.
"Humidity will stay high because the wind is coming from the east, bringing in the moisture from the ocean," Rivera said.

Read More Visit http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/content/local_news/epaper/2008/10/13/1013rain.html

Friday, October 10, 2008

Falling gas prices welcome surprise

Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Is the 401(k) crashing? Bank taken over by another bank? Can't even get a car thief to take that SUV off your hands?
Cheer up: Gas prices are dropping faster than the Dow Jones industrial average.
After peaking at $4.18 this summer, the average price for a gallon of regular in West Palm Beach had dropped to $3.54 on Thursday. In the past week alone, prices fell an average of 20 cents.
And they're still falling, in some cases by the hour.
Bob Palmer, an electrical contractor from Wellington, was ready to spread the good news.
"I can't wait to tell my friends," he said from the cab of his Ford F-150 at the Florida Gardens Sunoco in suburban Lake Worth. "It was costing me over $90 to fill up. This will cost me $75."

Read More Visit http://www.palmbeachpost.com/business/content/business/epaper/2008/10/09/a1a_gas_prices_1010.html

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Planting Seeds of DisasterACORN

Planting Seeds of DisasterACORN, Barack Obama, and the Democratic party.
By Stanley Kurtz

‘You’ve got only a couple thousand bucks in the bank. Your job pays you dog-food wages. Your credit history has been bent, stapled, and mutilated. You declared bankruptcy in 1989. Don’t despair: You can still buy a house.” So began an April 1995 article in the Chicago Sun-Times that went on to direct prospective home-buyers fitting this profile to a group of far-left “community organizers” called ACORN, for assistance. In retrospect, of course, encouraging customers like this to buy homes seems little short of madness.

Militant ACORN
At the time, however, that 1995 Chicago newspaper article represented something of a triumph for Barack Obama. That same year, as a director at Chicago’s Woods Fund, Obama was successfully pushing for a major expansion of assistance to ACORN, and sending still more money ACORN’s way from his post as board chair of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Through both funding and personal-leadership training, Obama supported ACORN. And ACORN, far more than we’ve recognized up to now, had a major role in precipitating the subprime crisis.

Read More Visit http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=ZjRjYzE0YmQxNzU4MDJjYWE5MjIzMTMxMmNhZWQ1MTA

Snook Islands....

How could anyone be against this project?

County Info on the Islands

In the early 1920s, dredging and filling along the western edge of Lake Worth Lagoon adjacent to what is now the City of Lake Worth Municipal Golf Course left a series of oxygen-poor deep holes which accumulated many feet of silt and muck, contributing to poor water quality and providing minimal habitat value.

The area where the holes were has very poor water quality, with sludge in the bottom from years of discharges from the Palm Beach Canal (C-51) which drains the sugar fields to the west and urban development along the way. While engineers try to sort out ways to fix the problem, Palm Beach County, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE), the City of Lake Worth, and the Federal Inland Navigation District (FIND) have figured out a way to increase wildlife habitat and clean up the water.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

No Porn in this image.......

There is no porn in my image! The view large button on the profile has gone bad and for some reason it wants you to download the photo instead of opening it in a new window. It works fine here.

V.I. I have contacted blogger support about the problem. The issue is with Google and not the photos!


Friday, October 3, 2008

Lake Worth Dem's picking sides in non-partisan race?

The URL for the Lake Worth Democratic Club is http://home.att.net/~lwdemocrat/

Note, the URL for this .PDF file on a local blogger website http://home.att.net/~lwdemocrat/paytoplay.pdf

This .pdf file is part of the Lake Worth Democratic Club website. We are wondering if the club is aware that this .pdf is on their site?

The disclaimer is NOT from the Democratic club but is from a member of the group.

A quote from the Blogger:

"The Parliamentarian of the Democratic Executive Committee has told the Officers and Directors that their loyalty and support, even in a non-partisan race, must be with Democrats."


We Endorse the following candidate....

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A New Lake Worth Blog....

Divison in the ranks?

Check out this new Lake Worth Blog!

It's a little bit of something.......


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Legends about Luther: Nailing the 95 Theses to the Door of the Castle Church

October 31, 1517:

Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg with hammer strokes which echoed throughout all of Europe. This act has been portrayed numerous times thoughout the centuries, and until the 21st century it was accepted as fact. It has become a symbol of the Reformation as nothing else has.
It was like a slap in the face when the catholic Luther researcher, Erwin Iserloh, asserted in 1961 that the nailing of the theses to the door of the Castle Church belonged to the realm of legends.
The facts are convincing, the first written account of the event comes from Philipp Melanchthon who could not have been an eye-witness to the event since he was not called to Wittenberg University as a professor until 1518.
Also, this account appeared for the first time after Luther's death and he never commented on 'nailing anything up' in 1517.
Announcements of upcoming disputes were supposedly regularly hung on the door of the Castle Church. But, openly hanging the theses without waiting for a reaction from the Bishops could have been seen as a clear provocation of his superiors. Luther would not have done that because he only wanted to clear up some misunderstandings.
It is also worth noting, that there was no open discussion of the theses in Wittenberg and that no original printing of the theses could be found.
One thing is sure: Luther wrote a letter to his superiors on October 31, 1517 in which he denounced the sale of indulgence and asked for repayment and removal of the misunderstandings. With the letter he included 95 theses which were to be the basis for a discussion on the topic.
Today, the majority of Luther researchers see it as fact, that Luther did not nail his theses to the door of the Castle Church on that day. But the picture of Luther nailing the theses to the door of the church is still today the most common in regards to Luther, the reformation and Lutherstadt Wittenberg.

Source: http://www.luther.de/en/tanschl.html